Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Reid Blows Steam in Liberal Direction

I don't buy Mr. Reid's attempts at trying to influence the lackadaisical Canadian electorate that the Conservatives are opportunistic for power, when it was their own corruption that caused this problem in the first place. The Conservatives seemed to have grasped that there is some honour to being in politics whereas the Liberals are behaving as tasteless and classless as if they work at a Hamilton woman's shelter.

No matter if the Liberals or Conservatives are in power, the Separatistes from Quebec are still going to garner a majority of seats in the province and eventually force political change again. If the Conservatives are in power, it is most likely it will be another minority government. If this is the case, then Canada is going to be in a political state of limbo and for how long?

In the first place s. 37 of the Constitution Act, 1867 needs amending. The number of members of the House do not reflect the population of the Western provinces. The members allocated in this clause is 99 for Ontario, 75 for Quebec, 11 for Nova Scotia, 10 for New Brunswick, 14 for Manitoba, 32 for British Columbia, 4 for P.E.I, 26 for Alberta, 14 for Saskatchewan, 7 for Newfoundland, 1 for the Yukon Territory and 2 for the N.W.T.

These numbers change as the addition of new provinces or changes in population warrant. The reality of our country seems to be too fluid to have these particular delegations of seats not reflect it. I am more against making changes to the Constitution Act, 1982 than the older one, especially if it's not equitable. In any case, it is expected that a change to the Constitution is inevitable.

If there is going to be an amendment of the Constitution, it is a good idea to consider autonomy of the provinces and abolish the federalist state altogether, which I believe can be accomplished. Quebec will already be heading in that direction so why not consider a Canadian Union much like the E.U instead of federalism? If this indeed is undertaken, it must be given time over a period of 10 years for example, to make these changes to avoid violence and caos.


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