Friday, August 19, 2005

Dejavu-RCMP Not Persuing Fraud Charges

The R.C.M.P has chosen not persue Hollinger Inc. on fraud charges. From the CBC

Why does this remind me of Carl Brewer and his case against Alan Eagleson, a lawyer for the NHL player's union? The FBI were on it but the R.C.M.P took another four years to press charges. Was it because John Turner was Eagleson's friend? Or that Eagleson had a character witness that was a former Supreme Court Justice?

Does that surprise anyone? Just last week the CBC gave about 10 seconds air-time to announce that the R.C.M.P were not persuing criminal charges against the P.M.O for dealing in offices because "there wasn't enough evidence". What does it take to end corruption in Canada?

If any of this happened in the United States, their media would be tearing this thing to shreds until the President is impeached. Perhaps it's better they're on strike. We get no news about our own damn country and something this important gets 10 seconds.

Perhaps the timing is great for this because the media won't give any of this attention in Canada. I wonder if they're getting paid off too? Now that our politicians and journalists are too busy vacationing to put effort into making sure our democracy is not overrun with white collar criminals, AdScam is certainly out of the spotlight.

What about those lawyers who were appointed as judges after donating to the Liberal Party or the justice Canadians recieved from those justices appointed on merit overseeing the Air India Bombing and Omar Khadr's right to refuse to speak to security officials in Gitmo?

Maybe it's a good time to bring up this post again or this one, or this.

Is anyone paying attention to our law enforcement or legal system? What is it about our system that is appealing for lawyers and businessmen that get away with stealing millions of dollars?


Blogger Sycorax said...

what so appealing? Next to no jail time (if any) for stealing millions of dollars.THAT is what's so appealing. If I knew that if I stole say 2 million, and knew that I would only get 6 months in "club fed", even knowing that I would have a criminal record for the rest of my life, I would probably do it too. Think about it. How far could you make 2 mil. last for? You would be sitting pretty for the rest of your life, never having to worry about how your going to pay the gas bill, or, power bill in the winter.
anyway, that's my two cents.

20/8/05 10:56 a.m.  
Blogger Candace said...

habamus - blogger has added "word verification" as an option on comments to help eliminate spammers like david...

And I think the CBC is a blessing - no news is far better than a positive spin on bad news.

And sycorax - that only works if you're connected politically. Pull that stunt in a "real" world company and ... hmmm...

25/8/05 1:15 a.m.  
Blogger HR said...

thanks for the info Candace.
I get syc's sarcasm. That's about the way it works here and it's pretty tiring so the only way to respond is sarcastically. And the Canadian Bar Association is supposed to "look into" why Canadians have a bad attitude toward lawyers if you can believe they are really interested in looking for reasons.

25/8/05 4:32 p.m.  

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