Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Like many Canadians I spent the long weekend with family sightseeing. This is a view of lower Hamilton from the escarpment.

Of course when family comes to visit that means I have to drive by all those landmarks where there was familial involvment to bring back some sense of nostalgia just because my siblings were born here... but remember nothing...(?)

Maple keys carpeting stairs that descend down the escarpment in one of many of Hamilton's escarpment parks

I think I'm going to take on a project and document all the various stairs in this city. Here is one set of probably hundreds in Hamilton. This one isn't the most daunting that climbs the escarpment to the upper city - at least I could walk back up them. There are some that I can't even get past 2 stories before I'm ready to pass out.


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