Monday, September 11, 2006

On being hoodwinked

There's quite a few things about Hamilton that you wouldn't see probably in many places in Ontario.

  • It's arrogant doctors who abuse patients at a rate per capita that is probably the highest in the province
  • A City licensing office that approved a business license to a business owner to sell pot without any questioning by the Hamilton Police Service on why they did it
  • Crack addicts that steal cheese from one convenience store and sell it to another to make money to buy a rock
  • Drive by shootings in a populated area downtown street - like the shooting in downtown Toronto that killed a teenager - and is totally ignored by national media
  • A newspaper that harasses an elector who is trying to make the Mayor - an elected official- accountable under to the Provincial Elections Act legislation and the newspaper editorializes that he's ethical
  • And counterfeit pharmaceuticals.

Not only are the people of Hamilton gullible and don't pay attention to whom they vote for, they also have to contend with public safety threats that were imposed on them by counterfeit pharmaceuticals.

The local coroner didn't even know about the fake heart drugs that were being sold to patient's until the RCMP put it in the news according to the Hamilton Spectator:

Eden examined 11 deaths and his boss, the province's chief coroner, recommended after the King West case that the Ontario College of Pharmacists be given the power to shut down drugstores when there's an imminent public health risk.

Eden said last week patients given fake Norvasc faced two risks: the acute, short-term problem of suddenly coming off the drug and the longer-term concern of an untreated heart problem.

Eden didn't know about the concerns at the pharmacy until after the RCMP issued a press release June 16, 2005

It's not that I think Eden cares so much about protecting the public - after all this is a guy that thinks suicide is caused only by mental illness - not oppression. It's the fact that this Province has a dismal record of protecting the public. This is a Province of buck passers. Of giving Provincial responsibility to enforce Provincial legislation onto electors. Of not enforcing health care practitioners to loose their licenses when they commit a crime.

The culture is not here in Ontario for the RCMP to provide the information to Provincial officials who are to use it wisely to protect the public. And the public is too naive to know when they are being hoodwinked.


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