Tuesday, May 24, 2005

So Sue ME

Mr. Murphy, since your into suing everyone for noticing a what they consider a criminal act, I'd like you to SUE ME. I ask fellow bloggers to ask Mr. Murphy to sue them. The more bloggers that request this the more money Mr. Murphy will use from the public revenue to press his case. How many millions of bloggers are doing it in China blogging against corruption of their government as we speak?

Yes, that's right. I contacted the RCMP to ask his opinion on the situation. You might like this. The officer had no idea Part IV of the Criminal Code existed. I wonder why that is? He told me to go to the Justice of the Peace and make a citizens complaint. I also contacted a Crown Attorney to ask their advice. Didn't get any. Why's that? I also debated which clause of the Criminal Code in Part IV the tape applies to. Is it s. 119 or s. 125? Hmmm...Influence and Dealing in Offices...which is it?

Go between for Belinda huh? Needed votes huh? Polls huh? No one wants an election huh?

No really.

If you sue me, I have to opportunity to explain to a judge why I started this blog. I knew Canada was corrupt years ago and have a sculpture to prove it!

Corrupt political system, corrupt bureaucratic system, corrupt corporate system and corrupt justice system. Anyone care to add a few? I want the chance for a judge to see all my evidence that I have accumlated over the years from denial of my legal rights and the rights of others.

I decided I wasn't going to let lawyers of the ilk in politics who enter for selfish reasons to continue to oppress myself and others. So I decided to teach myself law. That's right, a Canadian who finally decided enough was enough and chose to educate herself in the laws that are supposed to protect us.

What I've learned is that so much of it is being ignored to such a degree I don't even know why we have laws, let alone a Constitution or a section in the Criminal Code that prevents politicians from abusing their power. Like you Mr. Murphy. You seem to be above the law.


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