Monday, January 23, 2006

Our Conservative Minority

Congratulations to Stephen Harper for winning a minority government - they did well. As I followed the Conservative's progress for almost a year, I felt that they were actually listening to us, perhaps even by reading my blog. I'm looking forward to having Ministers represented from out west - I'd like to see their difference in leadership.

I'm really pleased as well for the NDP in picking up more seats - their representation will be needed in Parliament including a strong increase of women respresentatives. This is a major complaint I have against the Conservative Party - one they need to make an effort to change.

My wish for the new government is to pass accountability legislation as soon as possible, including whistleblower legislation - this will get support from the NDP and the Bloc.

I'd like to see a special prosecutor set up as soon as possible too, which I don't think will bring in too many objections from the same parties. As a Canadian who voted for accountability, I'd like to see prosecutions started right away at least to give the appearance of justice to us.

Then make changes to the parliamentary system, senate, judicial appointments - which may be a little more squeaky.

I was concerned that Martin wasn't going to concede - that info made me sick to my stomach - but I hear him now concede to Stephan Harper.

It's time now to elect another leader to the Liberal Party - one I hope that is more articulate and easier to listen to than Martin and doesn't pull rabbits out of his hat like removing the not-with-standing-clause.

Martin does deserve credit for being strong enough to open up the Gomery Inquiry and subjecting his party to public scrutiny and rath. Mr. Chretien would never have done it. Canadians and Canada would not move forward with healthy change if Martin followed Chretien's style.


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