Sunday, February 12, 2006


Ok - I screwed up on that last post - that article about police not investigating themselves was an old article - 2004!

They still investigate themselves and it ends up you don't know what evidence the police service has sent to the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services. The hearings are the same if the Commisison finds that the police service has to investigate a complaint - those hearings are heard by former police officers.

In any case!

The MoAG has also announced they will be establishing a Law Commission of Ontario for greater access to justice in Ontario - see January 4th 2006 Communique

Does that mean I won't have to ask the Ontario Human Rights Commission to investigate The MoAG now?

Nah...I think I still have a lot of work to do seeing I just sent the Federal Drug Administration a ten page submission to their ADHD Advisory Hearings which included documenting the lack of legal access to uphold Ontario's health laws. They always say they are going to do something then end up forgetting a portion of Ontario's populace - those that can't defend themselves.


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