Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Windsor Cop Gets Charged

From the Windsor Star - a Windsor police officer is charged under the Police Services Act.

Windsor Police Chief Glen Stannard was asked: "how the case of Couloufis will affect the reputation of the department, Stannard said:

“This is one person. I have 430 sworn police officers. At the end of this year, we’ll have 450 sworn police officers. This is one police officer out of them.”

That have been caught anyway.

I have absolutely no respect for the Windsor Police Service because they are the biggest bunch of thugs going that ruin the honourable vocation of being a peace officer.

I could fill about 10 posts with the foul behaviour of Windsor police officers from destroying evidence, discrimination against women by refusing to press criminal charges against a man infecting them with aids and dirty cops working for drug dealers working out of massage parlours to suppression of complaints.

It makes it worse because I went to school with the guy.

If there is one police service in Ontario that should be reemed – its this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly disagree.

The Toronto cops are much worse.

13/2/06 1:48 p.m.  
Blogger HR said...

my ranking is
1) Windsor
2) London
3) Toronto (they passed the buck on enforcing the criminal code) but I only talked to them once and that was because London and Windsor passsed the buck to Toronto who passed it to the Crown who then passed it back to the police forces...

It's just BS to me some justice system

13/2/06 8:04 p.m.  

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