Saturday, February 04, 2006

*Sigh* Dealing with Health Care in Ontario

Perhaps the Government of Ontario is paying attention

Since I have the attention of individuals from all over Canada, the United States, Europe, the United Kingdom, South America and the Middle East - I want them to be aware of the state of health care in Ontario and as a method to get the government to respond since the media have been too interested in what has been happening with the federal government and its scandals - they have been ignoring Ontario's...

WARNING *Scathing Sarcasm Ahead. (If anyone hasn't noticed after reading this, I've given up on Ontario for now.)

The Registrar
c/o Investigations and Resolutions Department
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
80 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2E2

Dr. Dale Mercer, President
Dr. Rocco Gerace, Registrar
Dr. Patrick McNamara, Medical Director, Associate Registrar, Investigations and Resolutions
Dr. Michael Szul, Medical Advisor, Associate Registrar, Investigations & Resolutions

Copy To:
Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Health
Honourable Michael Bryant, Minister of the Attorney General
Honourable Monte Kwinter, Minister of the Solicitor General

RE: CPSO Investigators

I have been asked by some of the individuals involved in policy at the Ministry of Health to send a letter to Dr. Gerace to find out why the College's investigators withhold evidence and fabricate evidence during the complaints process.

I can make this statement with confidence due to this Supreme Court Decision: Walter Kingsley Kirti Wijesinha v. Her Majesty the Queen, indexed as R. v. Wijesinha, File No. 24015, judgement on May 31, 1995 and the reasons delivered were on September 21, 1995.

Why this S.C.C case is important because the definition of the term “course of justice” was concluded to include investigations. The investigations the Crown was considering were of administrative tribunals and disciplinary bodies. Two examples are the Law Society of Upper Canada or the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Why does the "course of justice" have any relevance to the CPSO? Because the CPSO is legislated to carry out investigative duties and any obstruction of justice by it's investigators should be considered public corruption and charged accordingly by the local police department under Part IV of the Criminal Code of Canada.

But you don't have to worry, because the Ontario Provincial Police and other police forces such as Toronto, London, Hamilton or Windsor are more interested in arresting and charging teenagers who steal $2 chocolate bars from Wal-Mart not arresting or charging investigators for offenses against the administration of law and justice. Your investigators are pretty well secure in the fact that they have special privlegdes that they don't have to comply with the law like other Canadians do, just like lawyers don't get charged with fraud and theft for stealing thousands and millions from Ontarians because they are above the law.

That is why the College's physicians enjoy not being charged with sexual assault or bribery the way other Ontarians would - they, like Ontario's lawyers, politicians and police officers - enjoy special exemption because it is an unwritten law that they are widely known in the community as individuals who are incapable of committing the same crimes as any one beneath their elite position. The only people who commit crimes are ordinary Ontarians.

That is why the Minister of Health is perfectly willing to allow these acts to occur and be complicit in it. The Ministry of the Attorney General was sent the same Supreme Court Case complaining about the College's investigators but rather than take it seriously, the Ministry of the Attorney General has decided not to comment on it, perhaps hoping ignoring it will go away.

But, if there is a slight chance the College (or any of these other Ministers) are interested in upholding the rule of law, I am forwarding a link to my personal blog that contains the evidence that was overlooked by the CPSO and the RHARB that the Ministry of Health refused to deal with.

If you actually chose to read the article in the link above, you should know that I have had more problems with another one of your investigators, Michele Mann, that has deliberately fabricated evidence on behalf of a physician and did not provide a copy of that said "evidence" upon request.

I have not bothered to continue with the complaint because if the CPSO is going to allow their investigators to commit a criminal act, then I don't see any point in attempting to request taht my rights to be protected equally as it says under s. 15 of the Charter or under s. 1 of the Ontario Human Rights Code because the College and the members it protects are above the law and the process is just too frustrating to deal with.

On the off chance that Minister Smitherman wants to acknowledge his legal responsibilites to remove these above mentioned rights from patients because there is a shortage of physicians in Ontario, then he has to go to Parliament and make this request - not instruct or give directives to his policy people and those that sit on the board of the College not to apply the laws that protect patients.

If in the rare chance that the CPSO is actually interested in protecting the public interest then I have included some published articles that are relevant to health care in Ontario.

While the CPSO publishes policies on its website, it is my belief they are only there to appease the public in an attempt to appear that they are enforcing them. One policy in particular that CPSO says they have, although it's under review, is that on conflict of interest. I'm interested in point number 17 (1). I don't believe the College is remotely interested in what harm that researchers could cause when their fudiciary relationships with the pharmaceutical industry could compromise the safety of patients.

In any case, if the CPSO is interested in protecting the public interest these three articles are available and have some good information from the United States. 1; 2; 3

These last four are respecting the state nefarious and repulsive treatment of individuals with the "mental health care" system in Ontario. If there are any policies that are grossly missing from the CPSO it the legal rights under health legislation, human rights legislation and the Charter in Ontario perpetrated by the provinces psychiatrists.

The first link gives you a good idea of what it is like in Hamilton even though the report was tabled in London. It's so bad that I would venture to accuse the medical system and the Ministry of Health and all those responsible - especially regarding the last link - of being complicit in crimes against humanity (section K of the definition of the Act). 1; 2; 3; 4

If any of the links above were read, its my opinion that psychiatrists need to have their own regulating body and code of ethics including rules documenting all their legal responsibilities under the various acts, a strict code of ethics, rules on research and clinical studies, conflicts of interest, training in a school of social work, mandatory peer monitoring for students, acknowledgement of various clauses in the criminal code that relates to individuals who have mental illness, respect for collection and disclosure of personal health information, taped assessment interviews and an offenses clause that allows an individual to go to a Justice of the Peace to press charges.

I am assuming since the Minister of Health, the police and the Crown are aware of the level of corruption that has permeated the CPSO, the CPSO won't do anything to rectify the problems because if the Minister and the Crown allows it, why should the CPSO change the status quo of entitlement, arrogance and criminal acts that allow the members of the College and those working for it to remain above the law?

I'm sending this email with the greatest of skepticism and contempt for all this email is addressed to but if any one person finds the evidence unacceptable and wants to make changes, then I am happy to accept a letter.

To be fair, I am letting the recipients know that I will be making a submission to the United States Federal Drug Administration with the above information. I will let them know that Ontario and Health Canada wasn't interested in protecting the public interest in the past, and I don't anticipate any change in this thinking, so it was necessary to get them to listen to my concerns regarding fraudulent diagnosis and the drugs that were prescribed because of it.

Signed, An Ontarian With No Faith in Ontario


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