Friday, September 15, 2006

Tout sweet

I'm not commenting on the Montreal Dawson CEGEP shooting.


WTF is wrong with Montreal? How many school shootings does that make in one City in as many years?


This 25 year old - (hell, I was a mother at that age) - was old enough to know better but he was stunted in his emotional growth somewhere - admitted he took drugs. He was drinking wiskey before the incident.

But did he take drugs with that wiskey? If so, what drugs? Anti-depressants? Anti-psychotics? Robotussin? Ritalin? Ever read the manufacturers documentation on the side effects of Remeron an anti-depressant? Psychotic episodes is one of them. Are the securite de Quebec looking for this?

Don't kid yourself...teenagers take this stuff to experiment. In the documentary Prescription: Suicide? one of the teenagers was a normal kid but after taking anti-depressants to experiment with drugs - went outside and shot himself after taking them.

In Hamilton the degenerate friend of a house-mate was selling Ritalin on the streets. When my car was stolen there was a Zyprexa (anti-psychotic) on the floor of the car - probably to give the kid an extra boost and intent.

So where the hell do these people get this stuff and why the fuck would they sell it to kids? Rumour has it in Hamilton that pharamcists are selling this stuff to street dealers...


If I was reading that shit on the internet and saw the guy had pics of guns and knives...I'd be calling the R.C.M.P tout sweet.


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